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As A Partner At One Of New Yorks Most Prestigious Law Firms, Alexandra Parker Barely Manages To Juggle Husband, Career, And The Three-year-old Child She Gave Birth To At Forty. But Alex Feels Blessed With Her Life And Happy Marriage--until Lightning Strikes Her. Suddenly A Routine Medical Check-up Turns Her World Upside Down When Tests Reveal Shattering News.

Sam Parker Is A Star Venture Capitalist, A Wall Street Whiz Kid, And Is As Proud Of His Longtime Marriage To Alex As He Is Of His Successful Career. As A Major Player In New Yorks Financial World, Sam Is Used To Being In Control--until He Is Caught Off Guard By Alexs Illness. Terrified Of Losing His Wife And Family, And Haunted By Ghosts From His Past, Sam Is Unable To Provide Any Kind Of Emotional Support To Alex.
Isbn: 9780440221500
Código: 67470
Presentación: Steel Danielle
Empaque: Random House Inc...;
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